دوناكاب مكمل غذائي لتغذية الشعر 90 كبسولة DONNACAP
49.50 ر.س السعر الأصلي هو: 49.50 ر.س.44.90 ر.سالسعر الحالي هو: 44.90 ر.س.
2 متوفر في المخزون
Donacap is a nutritional supplement that contains a group of essential nutrients that help improve and enhance the beauty of hair, skin and nail strength.
Donacap is distinguished by its rich and balanced formula, as it contains a variety of vitamins and minerals necessary for hair growth and strengthening, skin nourishment and nail strengthening.
It contains vitamins such as biotin, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A and a group of B vitamins, in addition to minerals such as zinc, iron, calcium, magnesium and others.
By using Donacap regularly and in the recommended dosage, individuals can reap the benefits of this product and improve the condition of their hair, skin and nails.
It can be used as a nutritional supplement to treat hair loss, strengthen nails and nourish the skin.
Benefits of Donacap, a hair strengthening food supplement
Donacap’s unique formula helps strengthen hair follicles and improve its quality and elasticity, resulting in healthy and strong hair.
Its components also improve and renew skin health, and enhance nail health and strength, adding an aesthetic touch to the overall appearance.
Hair strengthening:
- Donacap contains a group of vitamins and minerals important for hair growth and strengthening, such as biotin, zinc, iron and various B vitamins.
- These ingredients help strengthen hair follicles and improve its quality and elasticity.
Improve skin health:
- The vitamins and minerals present in Donacap are also beneficial for skin health.
- Vitamins C and E act as antioxidants and help protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals and improve its elasticity and freshness.
Strengthening nails and preventing breakage:
Biotin, zinc and calcium present in the product play an important role in nail health and strengthening.
Reduce hair loss:
- Donacap dietary supplement is considered an aid in reducing hair loss.
- Its active ingredients promote scalp health, stimulate new hair growth and reduce excessive hair loss.
Comprehensive nutrition:
- Donacap provides comprehensive nutrition for hair, skin and nails thanks to its balanced formula of vitamins and minerals.
- This comprehensive nutrition helps improve the health of hair, skin and nails and enhance their beauty and strength.

It enhances hair growth and strengthens it, and it also enhances nail health and prevents breakage.
- It contributes to enhancing hair growth and helps maintain healthy hair follicles.
- It also improves skin health and strengthens nails.
Essential for healthy hair, as it enhances blood flow to the scalp and helps nourish the hair.
Vitamin E:
Antioxidant, protects hair, skin and nails from damage caused by free radicals.
Vitamin C:
It enhances the production of collagen, which helps in enhancing the strength and elasticity of hair and skin, and enhances the health of nails.
Vitamin A:
It contributes to scalp health and the production of natural oils that maintain healthy hair and skin.
Folic acid:
Promotes hair growth and contributes to improving skin health.
Improves scalp health and promotes healthy hair and skin.
It contributes to strong nails and promotes healthy hair and skin.
It balances moisture in hair and skin and helps strengthen nails.
How to use DONNACAP:
- It is recommended to take two Donacap tablets daily with food.
- Capsules are best taken with breakfast or dinner for best nutrient absorption.
- Capsules should be swallowed whole with sufficient water, without chewing or crushing.
- Regular and continuous use of the product is recommended for best results.
- It may take some time to see improvement in the health of your hair, skin and nails, so you should continue using it for an appropriate period of time.
With the best wishes of the Wardi Health and Beauty Store team and Nora International Pharmacies for continued health and happiness.
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10 مراجعات لـ دوناكاب مكمل غذائي لتغذية الشعر 90 كبسولة DONNACAP
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منتجات ذات صلة
المكملات الغذائية والفيتامينات
الصحة النفسية
المكملات الغذائية لزيادة الخصوبة
العناية بالمفاصل و العضلات
المكملات الغذائية لزيادة الخصوبة
المكملات الغذائية والفيتامينات
المكملات الغذائية لزيادة الخصوبة
رغد الردادي (عميل موَثَّق) –
تو باديه فيه صراحه
دانية راشد (عميل موَثَّق) –
منقذ للشعر الباهت
حنان العنزي (عميل موَثَّق) –
الله يحفظني.
أروى الجويد (عميل موَثَّق) –
تناولت هذا المكمل الغذائي لمدة شهرين و بستمر ان شاء الله ادعولي
هدى الرشيد (عميل موَثَّق) –
انا صيدلي انصحكم فيه تركيبة حاصلة على براءة اختراع لتعزيز الصحة الإنجابية للرجال دعم الفيتامينات ومضادات الأكسدة مكوناته قوية ورائع لكن يحتاج صبر وتكرار الاستخدام لأكثر من ٣أشهر .الله يرزق كل محروم
ربان محمد (عميل موَثَّق) –
استخدمته شهر
نجود المليك (عميل موَثَّق) –
مبدئياً رائحة المنتج قوية شوي تختفي بعد دقائق خفيف على فروة الرأس
مرام عطاالله (عميل موَثَّق) –
اظافري ما اتكسرت بعد ما بديت فيه
نورة (عميل موَثَّق) –
قيد الاستخدام من شهرين إذا رايت نتيجه سأعود للتقييم جودته رائع هواامكونات كذالك ممتازه
مريم فيكتشلو (عميل موَثَّق) –
المنتج يستحق الشراء خلصت واحد والحين رجعت اطلب الثاني رائع