BEME ACNE CLEANSING GEL بيمي غسول البشرة الدهنية
139.00 ر.س السعر الأصلي هو: 139.00 ر.س.115.00 ر.سالسعر الحالي هو: 115.00 ر.س.
1 متوفر في المخزون
BEME ACNE CLEANSING GEL Oily skin cleanser provides deep and gentle cleansing.
It improves cell respiration so that more oxygen is available for healing.
Fat deposits and dirt that can cause pimples, blackheads and enlarged pores.
Thanks to its gentle formula.
BEME ACNE CLEANSING GEL removes excess oils without disturbing the natural balance of the skin’s microbial environment.
As you massage the gel into the skin for a minute, the probiotics are activated and act as a natural antibiotic.
Bimi Probiotic Purifying Bacterial Cleansing Gel deeply cleanses the skin and penetrates the pores.
Thanks to Smart Target technology, which helps detect the bacteria that cause acne and eliminate them quickly and effectively.
Contains Lactobacillus bulgaricus probiotic, which helps balance the skin.
It enhances its natural protective functions, making it more resistant to external factors and bacteria. It maintains a balanced pH.
BEME ACNE CLEANSING GEL Oily skin cleanser provides deep and gentle cleansing.
It improves cell respiration so that more oxygen is available for healing.
Bemi Probiotic Oily Skin Acne Wash 150ml

It can be used daily on oily, acne-prone and problematic skin.
It is recommended to use it in conjunction with the balancing and moisturizing cream from the same series for the treatment of acne Probiotic Bimi.
Note: Acne is a complex skin condition that begins inside the pores.
. Bimi works to attack existing acne and helps keep future acne at bay.
BEME ACNE CLEANSING GEL removes excess sebum and dirt.
Which can cause pimples, blackheads and enlarged pores. Thanks to its gentle formula.
- Lactobacillus Bulgaricus Ferment Filtrate Probiotics: Probiotics are beneficial microbes that are naturally present in the body, and in this product they come from the Lactobacillus Bulgaricus species. Probiotics help balance the skin’s microbial environment (known as the microbiome) and enhance the skin’s natural protective functions. Thus, the skin’s tolerance to environmental aggressors and acne-causing bacteria is enhanced.
- Diatomaceous Earth: A type of rock made from fossilized seaweed mud, diatomaceous earth is an effective natural cleanser that helps remove dirt and excess oil from the skin without causing irritation.
- Coco Glucoside and Lauryl Glucoside: Natural derivatives of coconut oil and glucose, work together to gently cleanse the skin and remove impurities and dirt.
- Cocamidopropyl Betaine: A natural foaming agent that helps improve the product’s cleaning ability.
- Polysorbate 20: An emulsifier that helps oils and fats combine with water, making them easier to remove during cleaning.
- Glycerine: It is an effective moisturizer that helps moisturize the skin and prevent dryness.
- BEME ACNE CLEANSING GEL removes excess oil, activates probiotics and acts as a natural antibiotic.
Sodium Hydroxide: Used as a buffer to adjust the pH of the product.
The BEME Anti-Acne System consists of three stages:
· The first stage: deep cleaning of the pores
Purifying Cleansing Gel uses advanced technology to deeply cleanse pores, reducing excess oil secretion and eliminating acne-causing bacteria.
· The second stage: nourishing and moisturizing in the right way
Balancing and moisturizing cream helps reduce pore size, rejuvenate damaged skin and stimulate collagen production.
· Stage 3: Preventing infection and concealing acne scars
Concealer helps hide scars, remove redness and shine, dry out acne and even out skin tone.
If you are looking for a comprehensive cleansing and renewing system to help achieve clear, refreshed skin.
And healthy, the beMe Clean acne-fighting program is a great choice.
Key Benefits of BEME Acne Control Program:
- Deeply cleanses pores
- Reduce excess oil secretion
- Removes bacteria
- Protects against acne
- Reduces pore size
- Rejuvenate damaged skin
- Reduces blemishes and inflammation
- Increase collagen production
- Helps hide scars
- Removes redness and shine
- Dries up acne
- Evens skin tone
If you suffer from acne or other skin issues, I highly recommend trying the beMe Clean Acne Control Program.
20 Questions and Answers About Oily Skin and Acne:
What is oily skin?
What are the causes of oily skin?
What is acne?
What are the common places for acne to appear?
Does food affect acne?
What are the best ways to care for oily skin?
Can you use makeup for oily skin?
What effect does stress have on acne?
Does excessive use of skin products worsen acne?
Should people with oily skin avoid using moisturizers?
What is the role of sun protection in oily skin care?
Can medications be used to treat acne?
Are eczema and acne related?
What are the best diets to prevent acne?
Can acne be treated with home remedies?
What is the role of daily cleansing in oily skin care?
Can frequent showering be harmful to oily skin?
Can genetic factors cause acne?
What is the effect of smoking on oily skin and acne?
Can acne scars be treated?
Best regards, Wardi Health and Beauty Store Team
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تحميل الملف: مراجعة لـ BEME ACNE CLEANSING GEL بيمي غسول البشرة الدهنية
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العنايه بالبشره
العناية بالبشرة الدهنية
العنايه بالبشره
العنايه بالبشره
ازالة البقع و التصبغات
العناية بالبشرة الجافة
ازالة البقع و التصبغات
شيهانة (عميل موَثَّق) –
حسناء العوفي (عميل موَثَّق) –
حلو و يصفي الوجهه رائحته حلوه
ديمة بن هادي (عميل موَثَّق) –
الاستخدام أول شي بغسل ايدي منيح وبغسل وجهي بالمي وبحط شوي من الغسول ع ايدي وبفركو لحد ما يصير رغوة بعدين احطهم ع وجهي وافرك وجهي فيه
ديمة بن هادي (عميل موَثَّق) –
الجودة ممتازة
نهله المعشوق (عميل موَثَّق) –
ممتاز مناسب لكل انواع البشره
لينة الملاحي (عميل موَثَّق) –
يناسب البشره الحساسة مافيه ترطيب للبشره يجففها وتحتاجي بعده كريم مرطب
نورة (عميل موَثَّق) –
الرائحة ليمون خفيفة مره سهل الاستخدام الجودة عالية تركيبة نباتية الحجم كبير يكفي لمدة شهر العمر عادي العبوة سهلة الاستخدام تكرار مرتين في اليوم او حسب الحاجة ترطيب خفيف لطيف جداً على البشره انا بشرتي مو حساسة
نوال الجعويني (عميل موَثَّق) –
حجم العلبة كويس يكفيك شهور على حسب استخدامك ومافيه رائحة مزعجة
خولة عقيل (عميل موَثَّق) –
أمل العسيري (عميل موَثَّق) –
بشرتي حساسه وناسبني رائحته خفيفه مو مزعجه
تمارة زهران (عميل موَثَّق) –
اذا كان عندك مناسبه وجهك فيه حبوب استخدميه قبله بخمس ايام او اسبوع
رنيم باقدو (عميل موَثَّق) –
تعرفوا بشرات الكوريين ؟ اي وصلتوا يخلي بشرتك نفسهم يعطيها لمعه خفيفه مو قوية ولاحظته يشيل اثار الحبوب ويخفيها
زليخة الكعبي (عميل موَثَّق) –
وهالشيء اعجبني ويتشربه الوجه بسرعه مو نفس البقية يقعد وجهك كأنه مزيت